Rapidly recover from cyberattacks and other unplanned outages

Overcoming increasing IT infrastructure complexity and cyberattack sophistication requires a comprehensive backup solution to keep every bit of data safe. CyberUSA Protect integrates backup with advanced anti-ransomware technologies to keep your data safe from any threat.

25+ platforms protected

Safeguard data across physical, virtual, cloud and mobile environments.

Quick, reliable recovery

Get fast and reliable recovery of your apps, systems and data on any device, from any incident.

Secure ransomware protection

Defend your data with built-in ML-based ransomware protection and blockchain notarization.

You're not fully securing your client's data without the integration of data backup & disaster recovery. Period.

CyberUSA Protect integrates backup with advanced anti-ransomware technologies to keep your data safe from any threat.

Flexible storage

Balance the value of data, infrastructure and any regulatory requirements with flexible storage options. Grow with ease using the storage that fits your needs: NAS, SAN, disks, CyberUSA Cloud or any private or public cloud, such as Azure, AWS or Google.

Any-to-any migration

CyberUSA stores data in a unified backup format so that you can easily recover to any platform, regardless of the source system. Reduce risk and IT overload by migrating between different hypervisors and to/from physical machines (P2V, V2V, V2P and P2P) or the cloud (P2C, V2C, C2C, C2V and C2P).

CyberUSA Instant Restore

Reduce recovery times with best-in-industry RTOs by immediately starting your backup as a Windows or Linux virtual machine directly from storage. Have your VM up and running in mere seconds, while CyberUSA Instant Restore technology invisibly moves your data to the host in the background.

Variable block-size deduplication

Protect more systems while reducing the impact on disk-storage and network capacity by capturing only the blocks with data that has changed since the previous backup. CyberUSA Backup deduplication minimizes storage space by detecting data repetition and storing the identical data only once.

Data protection across 25+ platforms

CyberUSA Protect simplifies data protection for 25+ platforms and multi-generational IT, centralizing the protection of servers, virtual machines, computers, cloud environments and even mobile devices. Any new application or device is automatically protected, delivering continuous and comprehensive data protection.

Drive health monitoring

Avoid unpredictable data loss and proactively improve uptime by monitoring drive health. By using machine learning on S.M.A.R.T. reports, and various operating system parameters, CyberUSA Protect can alert you about a disk issue before it happens. This enables you to take the precautionary measures needed to protect your data.

App allowlisting based on backups contents

Traditional, global allowlisting is often ineffective when handling custom applications. CyberUSA Protect scans backups with anti-malware technologies, including ML and behavioral heuristics, allowing for precise allowlisting of your unique business applications, minimizing false positives.

Forensic data collection

Maintaining compliance and running internal investigations can be an expensive process. With the Forensic Mode built into CyberUSA Protect, you can simplify future analysis by collecting digital evidence – like memory dumps and process information – from disk- level backups.

One-click Recovery

Enable fast and reliable recovery for entire systems with one-click, including bare-metal recovery to dissimilar hardware. It's so simple and intuitive, users can initiate recovery without IT dependency, significantly reducing downtime and IT team workload.

Immutable storage

Ensure the integrity of backup data and backup accounts themselves with immutable storage, preventing alterations or deletions by any unauthorized entity, including malware, for a customizable period. This solidifies your defense against ransomware, ensuring reliable recovery points are always available.


We are here to help you!

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Why is data backup crucial for cybersecurity?

Data backup ensures that your critical business information is safe even if your systems are compromised. Regular backups protect against data loss due to cyberattacks, hardware failures, or accidental deletions.

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How can cybersecurity and data backup work together?

Cybersecurity prevents breaches, while data backup provides a safety net. Regularly back up your data to secure locations (e.g., cloud, off-site servers) to mitigate the impact of cyber incidents.

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What role does disaster recovery play in cybersecurity?

Disaster recovery plans outline how your business will respond to major incidents (e.g., cyberattacks, natural disasters). Having a robust plan ensures continuity, minimizes downtime, and helps recover data and systems quickly.

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What are the benefits of an integrated approach?

Integrating cybersecurity, data backup, and disaster recovery creates a comprehensive defense. It reduces risks, enhances business resilience, and ensures that your operations continue smoothly even during challenging times.